


Improving Lead Generation & Conversions

Lead generation is an indicator of a healthy website. Leads suggest that digital channels are setup well and are successfully generating good traffic. In addition it shows the website is developed & designed effectively.

Written by Isabelle Unterhorst

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In today’s online economy, there is a huge amount of noise when it comes to websites and online – advertising, banners, pop-ups etc. How do we gauge if a website or online media is cutting through all the noise? It’s a simple measure, through thier conversions or lead generation. Based on our research, only 22% of businesses are satisfied with their website conversions. That is a staggering statistic.

What is a conversion you may be asking? Our definition of a conversion is the generation of an online lead, period. This can be achieved through completing an online form or even as simple as making a telephone call. In order to increase lead generation you will need to get the below correct.


Lead Generation

1. Choosing the Correct Channels

First of all we need to choose the correct digital channels (AdWords, SEO, Emailers, Social Media etc.) to best talk to your audience. It is critical to understand your audience’s digital behavior. If your market doesn’t make use of Facebook, then you are wasting time promoting through Facebook advertising, etc.

Responsive Design

2. Keeping things Consistent

We’ve seen it too often where an ad campaign has been created to promote a service and is linked to a general website home page that says nothing about the service advertised. Make sure the landing page talks to the ad campaign, expand on the features and benefits of the service, and most importantly give the user an opportunity to express interest by completing a form (Call-to-Action).


3. Clear Communication

Make sure your service offering is clearly communicated. If a user arrives on your website and is not clear on what the service offering is, it is a given they will move on to the next search result. Understand users want information packaged and delivered as seamlessly as possible.

Ease Of Use

4. Searchability/Ease of Use

Make services/products easy to find. A site that is easy to navigate increases your chances of lead generation. Put yourself in the user’s shoes and think about the experience you would like on a website in finding what you are looking for? Clear navigation, search boxes, quick links that highlight important services are a great way for clients to find the products they are looking for with ease.

Lead generation is an indicator of a healthy website. Leads suggest that digital channels are setup well and are successfully generating good traffic. In addition it shows the website is developed/designed well, because the user is finding what they are looking for. Most of all users are being taken on a journey to express interest & consequently becoming tangible customers.